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This planet that we live in is at a bad state due to evil that has dominated almost everything. At big cities, and other places, negativity that has been accumulated (to people that can realize this) has made life unbearable. Violence, anger, lust. We have driven away love from us. Is this the best way to live? By living like this one brings into his/her life more and more dark entities. God`s Law permits dark entities to do as they please up to an extend and we violate God`s Law with our way of living.

Let's take a look at what Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, chief medical officer of northern Finland on 25th September 1999 had said. It is nice to hear scientists talking about these things. She claims that microchip implantation into a human being would lead to total loss of his/her personal life, as well as absolute control of all mental and psychological functions of his/her body, even of his subconscious and dreams, until the end of his life!!! To some this may sound like science fiction, but army and secret services have been dealing with these for at least fifty years. Supercomputers that exist in Maryland, Israel and elsewhere can track millions of people at once. In fact, the entire population of the world can be fully controlled by this brain-computer interaction, even if it seems unbelievable. Human thinking has a speed of 5000 bits/sec and can not compete with supercomputers that work in conjunction with satellites, implants, and facilities of this kind.

Each brain has its own bio-electrical values ​​and features. It is possible for someone to send computer signals to the nervous system of a person who has been implanted with a chip and control his/her behavior as he wishes, or track him/her at any time. For some sixty years, neuro-electromagnetic experiments have been made on the so-called vulnerable population in the name of science and national security, violating all human rights. Apart from a few exceptions, news channels conceal truth.

Mind control technology at USA has been named as non-lethal weapons. Which is not true of course, because these weapons kill but in a slower and 'natural' way, causing cancer, leukemia, heart attacks, Alzheimer's disease. It is not by chance that these illnesses have so greatly increased in numbers all over the world. When electromagnetic fields (ELF) and ultra-low frequency (ULF) and microwave electromagnetic fields are deliberately targeted against specific people, groups, or even an entire population, they cause illness, disorientation, physical and mental pain.

Using mobile phones for mind control was a brilliant idea. Military and police services can watch every user, influence his thinking with microwave, cause healthy people to hear voices inside their heads and if they wanted even burn their brain instantly by increasing current's intensity by 20,000 times. Heating tissues at the speed of light is a known result of these weapons.

According to studies made by Navy these weapons could also cause fatigue, insomnia, depression, aggression, memory loss, catatonic symptoms, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, tumors, heart attacks, and so on.

These people should not forget that there is God and His hierarchies and they protect us as long as we do not violate His Law. All microchips and implants can be deactivated if a neodymium magnet is placed for a few hours on skin under the point where the implant is, facing skin with north side.

(7-6-24) Nevertheless nanotechnology that will exist at vaccines cannot be deactivated that way. There is a way nevertheless to deal with nanotechnology. If someone is put to a classic Reich`s orgone (love) accumulator for many hours each day, he/she will be free of it.

Best thing that we can do is to live our life by God`s Law, so that they will have the right to protect us. By praying to God most of these frequencies and fields are deactivated. Second best thing is to place orgonites named towerbusters (TB) that disable negative frequencies from death towers, clean our neighborhoods from low-level entities and negative energies, since they clean and amplify orgone energy. They are made at the same way all orgonites are made: Use muffins cake molds. At first put a small layer of aluminum-polyester into the mold, then a quartz crystal (even a small broken piece is enough) and fill it up with the aluminum-polyester blend. Optionally, one can add other crystals or metals. If a person that makes them has love in him/her, orgonites work better because orgone energy is love. This is factor Y that Wilhelm Reich was talking about. Those of us who make orgonites will experience some of psycho-frequency war symptoms described above. You should ask from God and his hierarchies to protect you. An orgone pendant helps a lot. We must not violate free will of others. If we are going to place orgonites at a place like a cafe, we should ask owners first if they want something like that.

Most important places that orgonites should be placed are: as close as possible to cellphone antennas as electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by them is very harmful for human health, in our house and especially at it`s four corners, near it`s power lines, water pipes and devices that create electromagnetic fields, in our car or motorcycle so we are protected from dark energies, at polluted lakes and rivers, at very dark places such as factories, esoteric and masonic temples, hospitals, prisons, haunted houses and places that car accidents frequently occur.

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