HOW TO BE CURED OF COVID VIRUS AND ALL OTHER VIRUSES Best way to be cured of this virus and all other viruses is to make immune system strong by taking 5-10 gr of vitamin C daily, plus one teaspoon of edible clay per dose dissolved in water. Vitamin C should be consumed 5 minutes after consuming clay. In most cases, in one day or two all symptoms will be gone. If necessary you could keep dosage for 5-10 days, depending if you are taking 1 or 2 gr of vitamin C per dosage. Body must be kept warm. It is stupidity to have windows open wide in the middle of the winter!!!
Vitamin C that is not absorbed will be expelled from the body, it does not have any side effects except perhaps diarrhea. Clay will fix this probably. Keep away from poor nutrition, cigarettes, alcohol so that body will be able to heal itself. You don`t have to take antibiotics as well, which may react with vitamin. For common viruses, soda in above dosages is enough. Worst thing that someone can do is to watch TV and websites that increase fear and other negative emotions which bring down immune system, especially if many people are tuned when these images are displayed. This is some kind of black ritual. |
This page is written mostly for the few people that still believe in God. Truth about this virus is far from what is shown in media. People who have been infected with covid virus and those who have died from it, are much much less than those reported at the media because:
tests for the new virus are sometimes wrong as you can see at this video where a drop of Coca Cola came out positive!! Company that produces these tests stated that there should be a neutral PH in the sample in order for the result to be accurate, which can`t happen for many people, especially for the one who do not follow a healthy diet, smoke, drink, etc. Those people are more likely to get sick anyway.
symptoms of covid and other viruses are quite the same. Many simple viruses cases are counted as covid`s ones.
deaths from other diseases such as cancer, heart problems etc. are added to the number of people that actually died from this virus. If numbers were true, they would have to be put in mass graves.
some people pay money to relatives of the deceased to count their own to those who have died of covid.
people who did not even take the test have been notified that they were tested positive.
Some TV channels have been funded with millions of euros to do brainwashing about this issue and cause mass hysteria at TV-watching population. This violates free will that is protected from God`s Law. In case you are wondering how this increases the number of the sick and dead, consider how much psychology affects human health. It is well known that doctors and relatives avoid to announce to patients that they have cancer in order to prolong their life. It is also possible for a healthy person to get sick when his subconscious is full of phobias and all these images he watches at TV every day, as immune system is deactivated at a percentage. That alone consists a crime against humanity.
Without God's help, we would have had many more deceased people. During a visit i made to a provincial hospital for a medical test, I found it almost empty, which shows the effect of fear at population. Majority of you have lost the ability to think and react if needed. They have also made people to beg for the vaccine, which contains mRNA, animal genes, possibly microchips, causes allergies, damage to the male reproductive system, DNA mutation and death after some years.
31/10/22 Two years later what God has revealed to me in order to warn people is reality. Many cases of sudden death and many side effects. Vaccine wasn't tested for it`s effectiveness.
In mRNA molecules, is stored genetic instructions for proteins synthesis that act as antigens. Vaccination essentially forces human cells to produce SARSCoV-2 coronavirus proteins, which are then recognized by the immune system to produce antibodies.
In short, intervention in human DNA by people who do not believe in God.
18/3/22 Newest generation of vaccines, the ones after mRNA vaccines, will contain nanotechnology. They will do damage to your soul as well, not only at your body.
If they succeed and persuade you for it what follows next? Mark of Revelation? China from where this fabricated virus emerged (something that is known at hospitals) already suggests what St. John describes at Revelation, a system with barcode and DNA for traders to cross borders. To understand what freedom is for China watch this video.
14/7/23 This video (freedom is for China) will dissolve any illusions about where artificial intelligence technology (AI) will be actually used.
In short, with an event designed and exploited by black magicians, they have achieved in a few months to:
persuade people not to react, accept black gospel of television and reject God`s Gospels.
close many small stores in order only megastores which they can control to remain.
plan for Greek people (and not only) a unique file number for each person who will replace all numbers we use today in our transactions.
lose some of our freedoms from this new dictatorship and consider it normal.
persuade people to buy things mostly through credit cards. When they will unify this unique file number and credit cards in a microchip implant form the mark that is written at Revelation will be a reality.
shut down churches, drive away "faithful people" from them, stop bells that annoy demons from ringing and to convince many priests that all this is humility!!! An active Church of Christ would have faced this situation with God's help and all of this would have ended.
to secretly promote Antichrist`s plans.
31/10/22 Plan for unique file number is happening, in about two months after it was announced, (summer of 2022) 2 million people issued digital qr-code id`s. Smart watches are been used in daily transactions more often than before, preparing people for microchip implant, the mark that is the next generation of barcode, QR-code. One not very visible QR-code tattoo with 3 microchips, each one performing a certain function for every person placed on forehead or hand by laser technology that is not yet publicly available.
20/04/23 Money is gradually becoming digital, read about digital Euro, digital UK currency and digital Ruble as well. Soon there will be a digital dollar as well and no need to exchange money since it will be done automatically and finally unified currency.
17/12/23 Something you have not been told by those who made you and you go and get vaccined, get a new identity card and other digital means to make your life easier and money bonuses (probably few have realized that we live in a Soviet regime like with vouchers, persecutions and incarceration of dissidents in psychiatric wards) is that their plan does not include marking of 6 billion people. I'm not talking about those who will deny it by confessing our Lord, but about those people who will either live in the so-called 'unfortunate' underdeveloped areas, or for those who will not meet the economic and social standards that are set by secret societies. If you are wondering where they will find the data to select their chosen ones, take a look at the capabilities of so-called artificial intelligence. Unless you're so naive as to think they're wasting millions of dollars to operate the machines that it is consisted of, just to help the world.
This is what they call the 'great' reset'. Gradually, those who do not have access to food and medicine will die because of hunger and diseases, since without this little thing that you can see below, no one will be able to buy and sell.
05/06/23 Very recently Greek goverment decided to install cameras that will scan license plates of vehicles in order to check if drivers have paid for car taxes! Something that will cost a great deal of money and is meaningless, since they can find this information from the online taxes database. Truth is that they are getting people used to the idea of being scanned.
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It is odd that while public markets are full of people, it is forbidden for churches until today 27-5-20, to perform any rituals. Nearly all priests have not reacted.
An unprecedented dictatorship rules Greece. They have passed a law that punishes anyone who does not get the vaccine up to two years prisoning. Most people do not know anything about it.
2. These measures consist of: (a) compulsory clinical and laboratory medical examination, health monitoring, vaccination, medication and hospitalization of persons for whom there is a reasonable suspicion that they may transmit the disease directly or indirectly.
6. Whoever does not comply with measures of this article is punished with imprisonment of up to two (2) years, unless act is punished more severely by another provision.
Law in greek:
Greeks are forced to wear masks even at streets, something that is meaningless.
30/11/22 They cause damage to respiratory system and exhaustion because of CO2 inhalation for many hours. It is stupidity for one to believe that masks protect from this virus. Viruses usually size from 20nm (0,000000020 meters) to 400nm (0,0000004 meters. Covid virus measures 125nm (0,000000125 meters while most 'effective' until now Í95 masks have pores that size 10ìm at best, (0,00001 meters). This means that covid virus is 8 times smaller than mask pores!!! Some claim that viruses travel along with water molecules. Even if this is true, average water particles are 2 times smaller than mask pores!!)
This unlike other countries where few citizens wear masks, even some shops are open. See below very recent videos (12/20) from different cities. Why we are treated like this, and most important why did they close our Lord`s Church and why haven`t reacted at all? Why do people follow devil (TV) who entered every house as Saint Cosmas of Aetolia used to say? Some priests have been persecuted because they were giving Holy Communion to faithful people while at quarantine. Why do we live in a new era of Christians persecution?
China 1 2 3 4 5 |
England 1 2 3 4 |
Netherlands 1 2 3 4 |
Because if Orthodox Greece falls into the hands of Antichrist, it will be very easy for other countries that have very little faith in God to fall as well. The latter will happen if the majority of Greek inhabitants accept in their hearts antichrist`s plan which is carried out gradually and is described in Revelation and briefly above. We should turn to God and pray. Only in Him lies salvation. Only He can heal everything.
12/07/23 Greek people seem to have accepted antichrist`s plan at their total, his plans will be passing by with little or no reactions at all.
This means that their souls will go where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. For all those who now live in sin and will leave this life in pain or martyrdom, there is our Lord`s promise written on Gospels, when he was on the cross. That is, if we ask God's forgiveness at the last moment of our life sincerely and not with hypocrisy, He will take us to heaven.Something else that promotes Antichrist's plans is the so called globalwarming, that leads ice at poles to melt. Please notice that we are talking about a total increase of 1°C - 33.8 °F since 1880!! Initially, NWO scientists claimed that poor cows caused this by eating a lot of grass and having lots of gas. When people accepted this, they continued their brainwashing theories, claiming that burning of fossil fuels is to blame and that we need to turn to green forms of electricity production. Tesla has given from 1900 electricity generating engines using cosmic energy and wireless transport, and other ways of producing electricity without combustion and primitive photovoltaics. They were never used. Let us not forget the way all these dark people work, that they are playing with our souls by using collective unconscious and all that they care about is power over everything including people and certainly not about the environment.
take a look at real temperatures in Athens during July 2023. Those given by the NWO reported up to 47 °C. In fact, they did not exceed 42 °C, and in other cities as well, something one could find out by placing a thermometer outside house. Real temperatures were always 4-5 ° C lower.Let us now see how much of ice has really melted that these people claim. No matter how much I searched, I couldn't find real satellite photos showing North Pole, except for one. The others are schematic representations or edited photos.
Truth is that the Sun occasionally increases activity and is not a ball without intelligence that has once
kicked in and became fiery as NWO scientists misinform you. Extreme weather events of the last three years are related to planets movement and Sun`s activity and are not accidental, but God is letting these things happen because Earth`s inhabitants are participating in Antichrist's plans. In this channel you can see a part of the disasters that have happened in the world, since 2020 when the 'pandemic' started. The number and size of the disasters are unprecedented for our time. You can search in previous years and compare the number of natural disasters with these. (as usual videos were removed, perhaps because people in the comments section often were referring to Revelation, nevertheless you can watch most of them here - if owners are offended email me and they will be deleted)
Let`s see about earthquakes.
As Sun is increasing it`s activity it leads among other phenomena, to
solar storms that increase
Earth's core energy potential. This energy is also transmitted to the rest
of Earth`s layers, especially the mantle which mostly is energy in nature.
Relieving of this energy towards planet`s crust leads to increase of
earthquakes, volcano erruptions and creation
of new volcanos.
Natural disasters and volcanoes were also
recently increased mainly due to a planet that passed near Earth about two
years ago. The magnetism of this planet pulled energy from inner layers of
Earth, resulting to magma transfer and volcano erruptions.
2012 there have been so intense solar storms that NASA was afraid that
electric - electronic devices would be disabled. Now again we have something
similar. Look at the charts how number of earthquakes is increasing in those
volcanic activity will have been increased to a very large percentage, then
Earth's crust will begin to melt from place to place (not as shown in the
movie 2012 !!) and shift, something that has happened in the past and
it is also written at Revelation, though it will take some time
to happen.
Another thing that will happen relatively soon and it is written at Revelation is shifting of the whole planet to another
track - point of the solar system. When our Lord decides it, an Archangel
will send the planet through the 4th dimension to the point where it should
All this happens because of our sins. Looking at the charts, one could say
that X axis is our sins that grow over the years and not earthquakes.
In Greece that betrayed God, earthquakes increased by 92.66% in 2020 compared to 2019 and by 293.216% in 2021 compared to 2019.
total number of earthquakes:
volcano activity:
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