What does a human being needs in order to maintain excellent physical and mental health? Some claim that one needs money in order to have the best possible medical care. Others say that it is matter of genes, good fortune etc. These perceptions are very limited and do not give answers to questions like: "Why do I suffer from this disease?" One should know that causes of all things in our world come from much higher dimensions which most people don`t realize that they even exist. Everything manifests from higher to lower dimensions. The same holds for a disease. Diseases begin from a higher dimension then come to third dimension and then one feels that there is something wrong with him/her. Unfortunately in this planet modern medical science and other sciences except physics focuses only at third dimension, thus medical science is focused at physical body and treating symptoms of diseases in most cases and because of this it`s healing potential is very limited. Personally I've lost four close relatives of mine from cancer.
Most chronic diseases such as autoimmune diseases can be cured if one detoxifies his/her body. Human body is a wonderful living organism with the ability to heal itself if one gives it some rest from bad habits and detoxifies it. Fasting helps. You should try to detoxify colon and kidneys-liver-gallbladder following instructions you will find in this book and you will see big improvements to your health. This will happen if you do not feed your body with harmful substances, inappropriate food and especially if you do not violate Divine Law.
My experience from amazing liver and gallbladder flush:
According to our Lord diseases come not from outer sources such as viruses but from one`s inner world, from passions and sins. That`s because every passion that a person has, is actually an entity attached to us and is been nourished by a person`s energies. These black entities create injuries to that eventually appear in physical body which gets sick or worse. Mental or psychological diseases on the other hand as well as some physical (like cancer or degenerative diseases) are the result of violation of God`s Law, and derive from lustful actions. Every time one violates a God`s Law, is punished accordingly.
So, if you want to be constantly at excellent mental and physical health, you should not ever violate His Law, something that in this planet has become a way of life. Also, you should not feed your body with poisons like cigarettes, dead foods and drinks, keep your body detoxified, and do some exercise (regular or something like chi gong or tai chi). Living this way is very likely that you will never need any drugs, doctors or will never get any diseases in your life.
Every case of a person that is held at mental institutions can be cured by finding which defect or passion has taken over him or her and dissolve it by praying, with God`s help. It is the only way for someone to be really cured without needing any medicines or other treatment, as he or she will have destroyed the root of problem as long as he/she will not have any serious sins. If this is not the case, then he/she should wait and pay for them in order to get over mental problems.
If you understand greek you should read this.
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