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My beloved sisters you should not try to find someone only for sexual intercourse, especially if you are young. It is a trap which can lead you even to losing your soul. Demons show via TV, cinema and internet twisted scenes and make it look like it is something normal in order to humiliate female sex and love. It should not be normal for you to be treated violently during sex. Your mouth should only meet the mouth of the man who loves you and nothing else. Do not accept this behavior. If someone suggests you to do something like that, hit him with something heavy on his head and leave. He certainly does not love you. Do not take lovemaking as something that does not have much value or importance, but as something sacred. It can even transform your body and spirit if it is done with love and in a certain way. Otherwise, you will be filled with dirty energy of every man who seeks to satisfy his ego, since energy is not lost but transformed and transferred (Physics). You will not gather experience by having sex with many men, but pride, lust and demons. This is not a game, but something that can hurt your body and soul, if done without love. Dirty energies from other people are also transferred onto you when you dress and make-up with exaggeration. All that is stored at your aura. Which subconsciously is read by lustful men who translate it with lust in their minds, treat you badly and then you feel bad with yourself. Is this what you have dreamt about you? Do not give so easily your temple to anyone so he can mess with it. God has placed a door at you for some reason, not for decoration. At third dimension a delicate membrane exists in women. At fourth dimension one can see an energy shield that reflects lustful thoughts, which are usually sharp-shaped. It is wise that this door remains there until you find the man that you will be together in life. If not you will be vulnerable to lustful energies that will get to you easier. These dirty energies can also damage your soul especially if you accept them as something normal. It will take a lot of spiritual work and time in order to clean from these energies and sins and feel nice again. By the way there is a way for a woman to maintain her membrane and make love in a normal way with her man, but this man should love her very much in order to watch and don`t break it but extend its elasticity. Bad acts that derive from lust (adultery, violence, pervasions, ejaculation with pleasure) bring serious punishment from His Divine Justice. This is the main reason that so much misery and diseases exist on this planet. A little secret: lust ages us all, especially you as women are the container that gathers energies during lovemaking. Having in mind all of these, you can ask God to bring in your life someone that is suitable for you. You may have to wait a little bit but it will worth it. If you trust Him, He knows who is suitable for you. Furthermore, if you have met someone and you are unsure of him, simply ask from Holy Mary: If he is not suitable for me, send him away. Ask for it a few times and he will disappear from you life if he is not good for you. Women have love by nature. If they have relationships with inappropriate men will eventually lose love, as ego (black energy) extinguishes love (light energy). I've watched it happening many times especially to young girls. Please don`t do what evil wants, but God`s will. If all these sound a bit old fashioned to you, have in mind that ego and especially lust will lower your frequencies. So the opposite thing happens. It is sad that most women have never truly made love, nor been loved, or been in love. Anyone who loves a woman wants to make her feel nice. There is no better feeling for a woman than making love with someone who loves her and she loves him back.

(28-06-24) It is sad but demon of lust has spread everywhere and rules even children souls. Something like this has happened at the past, then destruction came as one can read at Old Testament.)

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