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There is a method for anyone who would like to send online anonymously sensitive information to activists, journalists etc. It is called securedrop and if not only, surely is complicated for the average user. So, if one needs to send a file anonymously to someone else without revealing his/her true identity should follow this simple guide.

1. Install Tails operating system, or just use Tor browser, which in most cases is enough.

2. Open Tor browser, go to is a free anonymous file-sending service. Press Upload. Select the file that you need to send. When upload is completed a link appears on screen. Press Copy Link.

3. Open another tab and go to Ìailspre or Ánonymouse (having technical issues lately) or Send anonymouse mail or a service that isn`t listed here but works, enter recipient`s e-mail, paste link from step 2 and send email. Sender is impossible to be traced !!

Note: When recipient downloads files, they are deleted automatically from servers.




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